

The North Florida Editorial Workshop engages students in the transcription and digital publishing of archival materials related to the history of the region. 

The project is associated with the course DIG4152 Digital Editing and Digital Archives at the University of North Florida (UNF) in Jacksonville, and is possible through the support of the UNF Digital Humanities Institute and the UNF Thomas G. Carpenter Library Special Collections, as well as numerous other entities and individuals at UNF and in the community.

Digital textual editing is a scholarly process that challenges participants to think critically about written materials, analyze how we construct narratives, develop research skills, and play an active role in the preservation and transmission of cultural heritage material.

Our work fits within the sphere of multidisciplinary scholarly activity most prominently represented in the United States by the Association for Documentary Editing and the Society for Textual Scholarship. We employ TEI-XML, the standard for textual encoding in the humanities, created and maintained by the international TEI Consortium.

For more information, contact Dr. Clayton McCarl, associate professor of Spanish and Digital Humanities (clayton.mccarl@unf.edu).