Naming Files
XML files
When you have a document to edit, you should first download a copy of our template XML file. You then should name it in a fashion that indicates the archive and the location of the item within that archive.
The first node will indicate the archive. We will use the following abbreviations:
- jhs (Jacksonville Historical Society)
- jpl (Jacksonville Public Library)
- pky (P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History)
- sahs (St. Augustine Historical Society)
- unf (UNF Special Collections)
Please ask for help in determining the appropriate abbreviations for other repositories.
The subsequent node or nodes will indicate the collection and item number. We'll try to do this in a way that matches the internal system used by the archives.
".xml" is the file extension for XML files, and should not be removed.
Please note that all letters in our filenames will be lower-case.
If you are not sure how to name your item appropriately, please ask Dr. McCarl for help. In some situations, it may be necessary for us to consult with archivists to get the correct information.
The filenames for all of the UNF items will follow this format:
"ehl001" represents the collection (here, Elisa Hatch Letters) and the number of the document. This is the same as the filename of the pdf that the Library has provided, minus the "af," an internal indicator that means "archive file" that is not meaningful for our purposes.
Image files
If you have image files that can included with your edition, they should named following this example:
In other words, your image files will be named the same as your XML file, with an additional node appended. Start with "0001" and number files sequentially.
".jpg" in this example assumes that we're dealing with a jpeg. If the file format were png, your file names would end in ".png," etc.
Again, all letters in our filenames will be lower-case.